Post by %Post by %Post by %Post by %Post by %Apd haș been uncharacteristically backing obvious lies from Carroll.
Lemme guess, in your mind, even *that* doesn't make him a liar? Were you
consistent, you'd *have* to call him a liar over this (you tacitly are,
as even he has pointed out) but somewhere in your diseased mind you
can't quite bring yourself to state it for fear of 'sales loss'. Who
*isn't* aware of this?
I noted this and somehow that means, to Carroll, that I am somehow in
the wrong.
You're "in the wrong" because you lash out at people just for putting up
evidence contrary to your childish bullsh*t (such as you "showed" in
your criminal records thread). That's *all* Apd did here when DB asked
to see it. In fact, Apd even pointed out why he didn't want to post it
and you've proven him right on that, as any of us with working brains
everybody and i mean everybody in fact ,
anything made out of flesh will tell a lie ,
given the proper opportunity , tell me you have never ,
told a lied to anyone , including yourself
The biggest liar was Jesus. He ended every other sentence with,
"yeah, that's the ticket."
i don't think lies come in sizes , lies are lies
No that's not true. Pulling the wool over an entire community's
eyes is more of a feat than selling me a $300 speaker for $400
because you lied and said it was new. I find the latter, lying on
the spot is a game of chance. Building a web of lies that covers
real estate is work. You want me big top peewee the SQL handler
for CBS. I'm going to btei your hade offer tonight at 11.
a lie is a lie they don't come in sizes
Yes you can lie at business or you can lie at personal. You are
plain wrong. You must be new.
a lie is a lie , you aren't a little bit pregnant ,
you aren't slightly dead , a lie is a lie ,
wholly shit look at the size of that freakin lie
Oh I get it you are pretending to have a hearing impediment. I've
heard that joke before. I need some sweetened lemon iced tea. There
never seems to be enough around. I'll get some of the free chilled
water they maintain at this season. None of the vending machines have
iced tea. I've asked repeatedly for the good vending machine to be
returned to us, but they said the guy who broke into its safe "really
tore the machine apart" Evidently malice of a heretofore unseen level
was involved and I gotta pay for everybody's neuroses.
sometimes a sigmund freud is just a sigmund freud
The level of intimacy with the psychiatrist was much more in Sigmund
Freud's area. My psychiatrist couldn't tell you what brand of coffee I
brew. I chat with them once a month, 2 doctors. I am shielded in my
armor. I lie, and tell them less than what they ask for. They're done
being intimate with me. They are hitching me up into the global power
matrix where I will be. They will feast off of my offal and blood and
brain electricity that they get benefits from for many years until I get
a forever home. I guess my question is, who do you think you are
fooling with your innocent lie about the size of lies? Everybody knows
you are lying. There were some emails.
My point is, Sigmund Freud's research has nothing to do with my case.
If they want to refer to something such as my position on apes, they
look in reams of paper that they keep stored about me. They certainly
don't just come and ask. They don't know me. Freud was close enough to
his patients to talk about their mothers? The subject is never
broached, just a routine checklist about what black dragons I'm
listening to and what arch devils are appearing in the woodwork of my
desk. It's just, "How sick are you today?" in the form of a checklist,
none of the point and connect, connect the dots beauty world of
connection that Freud made it out to be.
To me it's like Freud said to the world, "I fucked your mom!" He just
gave mental patients the finger all over the world saying that their
psychosis can be minimized down to a few different object relationships
with a few accessible spear points. There's no Napoleon Bonaparte
there's a guy who was fondled by a bishop. There's no five star chef,
there's a guy who gets fart gas from the powder they slip into his pea
soup. There's Jesus Christ, whose tomato soup I just spit in. And so
on. Freud was demonic. He makes me believe in possession by the devil.
If your posting Sigmund Freud here you won't make it with anyone
anyhow. Shiver - I can't even spell "you're" right thinking about my
personal demon.