Actual Stats for February 2024
(too old to reply)
2024-03-01 13:49:38 UTC
Stats from a censored news service make about as much sense as a UCP
budget. Here are actual facts from a non-censored new service.

XanaNews Statistic for edm.general. 2024-03-01 6:47:27 AM

From article 388215 (2024-02-01 4:22:52 AM) to article 388373
(2024-02-27 10:21:44 AM)

Number of threads ................... 33
Number of articles .................. 159
Average articles per thread ......... 4.82
Number of unanswered posts .......... 14
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 0

Top Threads

Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------
1 45 14 days until this froup is a Darlene Jacobson free
2 39 The lovely word of the Ice District Corporation....
3 7 If anyone
4 7 Honest Stats for January 2024
5 6 stats 2024 Jan
6 6 Talmud States All Non Jewish Women Are Prostitutes
7 5 Why Do Tyler Argue And Mike Poirier And That
According To Daryl "gay" Surrey, BC Businessman All Have Private
Investigators Licenses Or Have Taken Private Security Courses? Why Are
All 3 linked To H.A.M.C.? 438 11 Ave SE, #500 Calgary AB.
8 4 Odd
9 4 Re: B'nai Brith Canada Urges Universities to Cancel
Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks / B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities To Cancel A Speaker Who Honored The October 7 Attacks.
10 3 Owen Chatwin
11 3 Re: 5 Hockey Players 4 Of Them In The NHL Charged
With Gang Rape Going To Trial In London, Ont.
12 2 Black History Month: What have we learned so far
13 2 Black History Month: Why so serious?
14 2 Re: I am requesting
16 2 Idlehands according to ChatGPT
17 2 Borle in St. Albert
18 2 Kerry Chatwin lies again
19 2 Within eye sight of the Chatwin Residence

Top Posters

Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 58 Whatshername? G2
2 32 % Mozilla
3 14 Idlehands Mozilla Thunderbird
4 8 Loose Cannon ForteAgent
5 8 RCIC Mozilla Thunderbird
6 8 The Doctor trn
7 6 GregCarr G2
8 6 Dr. WTF Mozilla Thunderbird
9 6 Peeler Pan
10 4 Erter Terte MicroPlanet-Gravity
11 3 Rob Mozilla Thunderbird
12 2 Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew Forte Agent
13 1 NEMO ForteAgent
14 1 Creon Pan
15 1 Sharx335 Mozilla Thunderbird
16 1 Darrell Larose G2
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-01 18:04:52 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Stats from a censored news service make about as much sense as a UCP
budget.  Here are actual facts from a non-censored new service.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-03-01 6:47:27 AM
From article 388215 (2024-02-01 4:22:52 AM) to article 388373
(2024-02-27 10:21:44 AM)
Number of threads  ................... 33
Number of articles  .................. 159
Average articles per thread  ......... 4.82
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 14
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 0
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene Jacobson free
      2        39  The lovely word of the Ice District Corporation....
      3         7  If anyone
      4         7  Honest Stats for January 2024
      5         6  stats 2024 Jan
      6         6  Talmud States All Non Jewish Women Are Prostitutes
      7         5  Why Do Tyler Argue And Mike Poirier And That
According To Daryl "gay" Surrey, BC Businessman All Have Private
Investigators Licenses Or Have Taken Private Security Courses? Why Are
All 3 linked To H.A.M.C.? 438 11 Ave SE, #500 Calgary AB.
      8         4  Odd
      9         4  Re: B'nai Brith Canada Urges Universities to Cancel
Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks / B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities To Cancel A Speaker Who Honored The October 7 Attacks.
     10         3  Owen Chatwin
     11         3  Re: 5 Hockey Players 4 Of Them In The NHL Charged
With Gang Rape Going To Trial In London, Ont.
     12         2  Black History Month: What have we learned so far
     13         2  Black History Month: Why so serious?
     14         2  Re: I am requesting
     15         2  Re: NOW IT'S MY FAULT
     16         2  Idlehands according to ChatGPT
     17         2  Borle in St. Albert
     18         2  Kerry Chatwin lies again
     19         2  Within eye sight of the Chatwin Residence
Top Posters
Ranking  Articles  Name                        Most Used Newsreader
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1        58  Whatshername?               G2
      2        32  %                           Mozilla
      3        14  Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
      4         8  Loose Cannon                ForteAgent
      5         8  RCIC                        Mozilla Thunderbird
      6         8  The Doctor                  trn
      7         6  GregCarr                    G2
      8         6  Dr. WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
      9         6  Peeler                      Pan
     10         4  Erter Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
     11         3  Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
     12         2  Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew  Forte Agent
     13         1  NEMO                        ForteAgent
     14         1  Creon                       Pan
     15         1  Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
     16         1  Darrell Larose              G2
half these people don't post here

i win
The Doctor
2024-03-01 21:59:22 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Stats from a censored news service make about as much sense as a UCP
budget.  Here are actual facts from a non-censored new service.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-03-01 6:47:27 AM
From article 388215 (2024-02-01 4:22:52 AM) to article 388373
(2024-02-27 10:21:44 AM)
Number of threads  ................... 33
Number of articles  .................. 159
Average articles per thread  ......... 4.82
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 14
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 0
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      2        39  The lovely word of the Ice District
Post by Idlehands
      3         7  If anyone
      4         7  Honest Stats for January 2024
      5         6  stats 2024 Jan
      6         6  Talmud States All Non Jewish Women
Are Prostitutes
Post by Idlehands
      7         5  Why Do Tyler Argue And Mike Poirier
And That
Post by Idlehands
According To Daryl "gay" Surrey, BC Businessman All Have Private
Investigators Licenses Or Have Taken Private Security Courses? Why Are
All 3 linked To H.A.M.C.? 438 11 Ave SE, #500 Calgary AB.
      8         4  Odd
      9         4  Re: B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities to Cancel
Post by Idlehands
Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks / B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities To Cancel A Speaker Who Honored The October 7 Attacks.
     10         3  Owen Chatwin
     11         3  Re: 5 Hockey Players 4 Of Them In The
NHL Charged
Post by Idlehands
With Gang Rape Going To Trial In London, Ont.
     12         2  Black History Month: What have we
learned so far
Post by Idlehands
     13         2  Black History Month: Why so serious?
     14         2  Re: I am requesting
     15         2  Re: NOW IT'S MY FAULT
     16         2  Idlehands according to ChatGPT
     17         2  Borle in St. Albert
     18         2  Kerry Chatwin lies again
     19         2  Within eye sight of the Chatwin Residence
Top Posters
Ranking  Articles 
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1        58  Whatshername?               G2
      2        32 
%                           Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
      3        14 
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      4         8  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      5         8 
RCIC                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      6         8  The
Doctor                  trn
Post by Idlehands
      7         6 
GregCarr                    G2
Post by Idlehands
      8         6  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      9         6 
Peeler                      Pan
Post by Idlehands
     10         4  Erter
Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by Idlehands
     11         3 
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     12         2  Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew  Forte Agent
     13         1 
NEMO                        ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
     14         1 
Creon                       Pan
Post by Idlehands
     15         1 
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     16         1  Darrell Larose              G2
half these people don't post here
i win
Idlehads is a big loser!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-02 00:02:54 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Stats from a censored news service make about as much sense as a UCP
budget.  Here are actual facts from a non-censored new service.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-03-01 6:47:27 AM
From article 388215 (2024-02-01 4:22:52 AM) to article 388373
(2024-02-27 10:21:44 AM)
Number of threads  ................... 33
Number of articles  .................. 159
Average articles per thread  ......... 4.82
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 14
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 0
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      2        39  The lovely word of the Ice District
Post by Idlehands
      3         7  If anyone
      4         7  Honest Stats for January 2024
      5         6  stats 2024 Jan
      6         6  Talmud States All Non Jewish Women
Are Prostitutes
Post by Idlehands
      7         5  Why Do Tyler Argue And Mike Poirier
And That
Post by Idlehands
According To Daryl "gay" Surrey, BC Businessman All Have Private
Investigators Licenses Or Have Taken Private Security Courses? Why Are
All 3 linked To H.A.M.C.? 438 11 Ave SE, #500 Calgary AB.
      8         4  Odd
      9         4  Re: B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities to Cancel
Post by Idlehands
Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks / B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities To Cancel A Speaker Who Honored The October 7 Attacks.
     10         3  Owen Chatwin
     11         3  Re: 5 Hockey Players 4 Of Them In The
NHL Charged
Post by Idlehands
With Gang Rape Going To Trial In London, Ont.
     12         2  Black History Month: What have we
learned so far
Post by Idlehands
     13         2  Black History Month: Why so serious?
     14         2  Re: I am requesting
     15         2  Re: NOW IT'S MY FAULT
     16         2  Idlehands according to ChatGPT
     17         2  Borle in St. Albert
     18         2  Kerry Chatwin lies again
     19         2  Within eye sight of the Chatwin Residence
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1        58  Whatshername?               G2
      2        32Â
%                           Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
      3        14Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      4         8  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      5         8Â
RCIC                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      6         8  The
Doctor                  trn
Post by Idlehands
      7         6Â
GregCarr                    G2
Post by Idlehands
      8         6  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      9         6Â
Peeler                      Pan
Post by Idlehands
     10         4  Erter
Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by Idlehands
     11         3Â
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     12         2  Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew  Forte Agent
     13         1Â
NEMO                        ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
     14         1Â
Creon                       Pan
Post by Idlehands
     15         1Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     16         1  Darrell Larose              G2
half these people don't post here
i win
Idlehads is a big loser!
yep , he gets nothing
The Doctor
2024-03-02 00:37:41 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Stats from a censored news service make about as much sense as a UCP
budget.  Here are actual facts from a non-censored new service.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-03-01 6:47:27 AM
From article 388215 (2024-02-01 4:22:52 AM) to article 388373
(2024-02-27 10:21:44 AM)
Number of threads  ................... 33
Number of articles  .................. 159
Average articles per thread  ......... 4.82
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 14
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 0
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        45  14 days
until this froup is a Darlene
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      2        39  The
lovely word of the Ice District
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      3         7  If anyone
      4         7 
Honest Stats for January 2024
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      5         6  stats
2024 Jan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      6         6 
Talmud States All Non Jewish Women
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Are Prostitutes
Post by Idlehands
      7         5  Why
Do Tyler Argue And Mike Poirier
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
And That
Post by Idlehands
According To Daryl "gay" Surrey, BC Businessman All Have Private
Investigators Licenses Or Have Taken Private Security Courses? Why Are
All 3 linked To H.A.M.C.? 438 11 Ave SE, #500 Calgary AB.
      8         4  Odd
B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Universities to Cancel
Post by Idlehands
Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks / B'nai Brith Canada Urges
Universities To Cancel A Speaker Who Honored The October 7 Attacks.
     10         3  Owen Chatwin
     11         3  Re: 5
Hockey Players 4 Of Them In The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
NHL Charged
Post by Idlehands
With Gang Rape Going To Trial In London, Ont.
     12         2  Black
History Month: What have we
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
learned so far
Post by Idlehands
     13         2  Black
History Month: Why so serious?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     14         2  Re: I am
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     15         2  Re: NOW
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     16         2 
Idlehands according to ChatGPT
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     17         2  Borle in
St. Albert
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     18         2  Kerry
Chatwin lies again
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     19         2  Within
eye sight of the Chatwin Residence
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1        58 
Whatshername?               G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      2        32Â
%                           Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      3        14Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      4         8  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      5         8Â
RCIC                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      6         8  The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      7         6Â
GregCarr                    G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      8         6  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      9         6Â
Peeler                      Pan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     10         4  Erter
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     11         3Â
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     12         2  Anita
'Annie' Shein is jew  Forte Agent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     13         1Â
NEMO                        ForteAgent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     14         1Â
Creon                       Pan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     15         1Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     16         1  Darrell
Larose              G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
half these people don't post here
i win
Idlehads is a big loser!
yep , he gets nothing
It is what he deserves, the scumbag!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-02 02:16:13 UTC
Post by The Doctor
It is what he deserves, the scumbag!
Poor asswipe, I am the "scumbag" but his only "friend" left here is the

Why are 61 percent of links on your "Client List" dead? If they are
dead why are they still showing as clients?

Can you say Fraud?

Go back to spamming RADW asswipe, it's all you can do.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-02 02:45:54 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
It is what he deserves, the scumbag!
Poor asswipe, I am the "scumbag" but his only "friend" left here is the
Why are 61 percent of links on your "Client List" dead?  If they are
dead why are they still showing as clients?
Can you say Fraud?
Go back to spamming RADW asswipe, it's all you can do.
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
The Doctor
2024-03-02 03:33:29 UTC
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
It is what he deserves, the scumbag!
Poor a%pe, I am the "scumbag" but his only "friend" left here is the
Why are 61 percent of links on your "Client List" dead?  If they are
dead why are they still showing as clients?
Can you say Fraud?
Go back to spamming RADW a%e, it's all you can do.
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-02 06:38:36 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what? Oh perhaps if you used some punctuation
but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF assworm right?

So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?

Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-02 06:47:22 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what?  Oh perhaps if you used some punctuation
but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF assworm right?
So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?
Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Oh no, the asswipe and assworm are ganging up on you, don't be too scared.

"The difference between stupidity and genius is genius has its limits."
Alberta Einstein
2024-03-02 18:46:02 UTC
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what?  Oh perhaps if you used some punctuation
but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF assworm right?
So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?
Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Oh no, the asswipe and assworm are ganging up on you, don't be too scared.
Yeah, I am shaking in my boots...LOL.

Looks like the loss of Google Groups will be the final nail in the
coffin of edm.general. Even dardar was more entertaining than binky and
his bffs.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-02 20:41:10 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what?  Oh perhaps if you used some
punctuation but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF
assworm right?
So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?
Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Oh no, the asswipe and assworm are ganging up on you, don't be too scared.
Yeah, I am shaking in my boots...LOL.
Looks like the loss of Google Groups will be the final nail in the
coffin of edm.general.  Even dardar was more entertaining than binky and
his bffs.
idlehands is stuck in 30 years ago
The Doctor
2024-03-02 23:51:47 UTC
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what?  Oh perhaps if you used some
punctuation but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF
assworm right?
So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?
Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Oh no, the asswipe and assworm are ganging up on you, don't be too scared.
Yeah, I am shaking in my boots...LOL.
Looks like the loss of Google Groups will be the final nail in the
coffin of edm.general.  Even dardar was more entertaining than binky and
his bffs.
idlehands is stuck in 30 years ago
And so is dr.wtf
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-03 00:06:44 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what?  Oh perhaps if you used some
punctuation but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF
assworm right?
So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?
Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Oh no, the asswipe and assworm are ganging up on you, don't be too scared.
Yeah, I am shaking in my boots...LOL.
Looks like the loss of Google Groups will be the final nail in the
coffin of edm.general.  Even dardar was more entertaining than binky and
his bffs.
idlehands is stuck in 30 years ago
And so is dr.wtf
they try what they think are insults ,
the same ones year after year after year
The Doctor
2024-03-03 00:36:27 UTC
Post by %
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
As I was saying about scumbage Idlehands!
Yes, as you were saying what?  Oh perhaps if you used some
punctuation but then you wouldn't want to be better than your BFF
assworm right?
So why are 61 percent of the client links on your "website" dead links?
Can you learn to spell fraud asswipe?
Oh no, the asswipe and assworm are ganging up on you, don't be too scared.
Yeah, I am shaking in my boots...LOL.
Looks like the loss of Google Groups will be the final nail in the
coffin of edm.general.  Even dardar was more entertaining than binky and
his bffs.
idlehands is stuck in 30 years ago
And so is dr.wtf
they try what they think are insults ,
the same ones year after year after year
i.e. rerun
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-03 01:05:03 UTC
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-03 01:50:53 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
The Doctor
2024-03-03 03:07:22 UTC
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
Exactly % !!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-03 05:15:04 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
Exactly % !!
Wow the witty banter is just overwhelming, what a display of
"intelligents" from the Katzenjammer kids.


Keep those cheeks clapping boyos but don't break the asswipe's nose.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-03 18:42:06 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
Exactly % !!
Wow the witty banter is just overwhelming, what a display of
"intelligents" from the Katzenjammer kids.
Keep those cheeks clapping boyos but don't break the asswipe's nose.
another crack from 30 years ago
The Doctor
2024-03-03 19:31:57 UTC
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
Exactly % !!
Wow the witty banter is just overwhelming, what a display of
"intelligents" from the Katzenjammer kids.
Keep those cheeks clapping boyos but don't break the asswipe's nose.
another crack from 30 years ago
Paedos like calling adults Binky, asswipe and assworm.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-03 19:35:30 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
Exactly % !!
Wow the witty banter is just overwhelming, what a display of
"intelligents" from the Katzenjammer kids.
Keep those cheeks clapping boyos but don't break the asswipe's nose.
another crack from 30 years ago
Paedos like calling adults Binky, asswipe and assworm.
sometimes i have anxiety attacks due to my childhood based fears ,
which demonstrate themselves as fits of anger, binky
2024-03-03 19:48:38 UTC
On 2024-03-03 12:31 p.m., The Doctor wrote:
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Wow the witty banter is just overwhelming, what a display of
"intelligents" from the Katzenjammer kids.
Keep those cheeks clapping boyos but don't break the asswipe's nose.
another crack from 30 years ago
Paedos like calling adults Binky, asswipe and assworm.
Paedophiles like to hide in their mummy's basement in their mid-fifties,
having never left home and never having a real relationship with another

Police Profiles prove me right.

Using names like binky, asswipe and assworm, richly deserved names, have
no bearing on anything.

But try again with your infantile attempt at reverse psychology binky.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-03 20:16:55 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
The Doctor
2024-03-04 00:29:16 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-04 00:53:38 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.

That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.

That the Bible is a book of facts.

That the Earth is 6000 years old.

I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is genius has its limits."
Alberta Einstein
2024-03-04 01:34:47 UTC
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
The Doctor
2024-03-04 04:00:08 UTC
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-05 04:20:54 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Where did I prove that binky? None of the crap you believe in is
"Christian", it's fundamentalist.

Learn the difference.

Yes the 6K belief that he justifies by calling Carbon-dating a lie is
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-05 13:46:17 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers. Or be able to read at least.

Fucking idiot.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is genius has its limits."
Alberta Einstein
2024-03-06 00:32:35 UTC
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
Fucking idiot.
I live in the asswipe's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.

I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-06 01:00:43 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
Fucking idiot.
I live in the asswipe's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
The Doctor
2024-03-06 05:14:27 UTC
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
F*ing idiot.
I live in the a%e's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-06 05:55:34 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!

Well, what else can be expected from a fucking illiterate imbecile
and a total waste of air!
Not only the word is spelled wrongly but even if the spelling was
correct the expression "interchangeable communists" would be
still totally idiotic.
What did you have in mind you fucking imbecile?
Oh, right, you couldn't have had anything in mind as amoebas
like you, you fucking idiot, have no brain thus have no mind.
2024-03-06 13:49:50 UTC
Post by Rob
Post by The Doctor
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
Well, what else can be expected from a fucking illiterate imbecile
and a total waste of air!
Not only the word is spelled wrongly but even if the spelling was
correct the expression "interchangeable communists" would be
still totally idiotic.
What did you have in mind you fucking imbecile?
Oh, right, you couldn't have had anything in mind as amoebas
like you, you fucking idiot, have no brain thus have no mind.
It's the nastiest insult he can imagine, he has no imagination or
independent thought so what can we (TINW) expect.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-06 16:19:55 UTC
Post by Rob
Post by The Doctor
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
Well, what else can be expected from a fucking illiterate imbecile
and a total waste of air!
Not only the word is spelled wrongly but even if the spelling was
correct the expression "interchangeable communists" would be
still totally idiotic.
What did you have in mind you fucking imbecile?
Oh, right, you couldn't have had anything in mind as amoebas
like you, you fucking idiot, have no brain thus have no mind.
i told ya
The Doctor
2024-03-06 22:21:19 UTC
Post by %
Post by Rob
Post by The Doctor
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
Well, what else can be expected from a f*king illiterate imbecile
and a total waste of air!
Not only the word is spelled wrongly but even if the spelling was
correct the expression "interchangeable communists" would be
still totally idiotic.
What did you have in mind you f*king imbecile?
Oh, right, you couldn't have had anything in mind as amoebas
like you, you f*king idiot, have no brain thus have no mind.
i told ya
Racist Robbie is a spit that want a kicking out of existence.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-06 13:48:06 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
F*ing idiot.
I live in the a%e's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
The asswipe stamps his little feet, clenches his little fists and
screams "communists" at his basement wall. Mummy shouts down the
stairs, "Hush, Downton Abbey is on".

The asswipe curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody loves
him today.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-06 16:21:21 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
F*ing idiot.
I live in the a%e's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
The asswipe stamps his little feet, clenches his little fists and
screams "communists" at his basement wall.  Mummy shouts down the
stairs, "Hush, Downton Abbey is on".
The asswipe curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody loves
him today.
the basement mommy bit is getting kind of old , no
2024-03-06 16:54:39 UTC
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
F*ing idiot.
I live in the a%e's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
The asswipe stamps his little feet, clenches his little fists and
screams "communists" at his basement wall.  Mummy shouts down the
stairs, "Hush, Downton Abbey is on".
The asswipe curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody
loves him today.
the basement mommy bit is getting kind of old , no
The Doctor
2024-03-06 22:26:33 UTC
Post by %
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Dr. WTF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Idlehands is full of false knowledge.
That's hilarious from someone who thinks the book of Revelation proves
that time travel is real.
That the Bible pinpoints the actual location of Christ's tomb.
That the Bible is a book of facts.
That the Earth is 6000 years old.
I could go on but I am laughing too hard.
the 6000 years is pretty funny
Lying Idlehands prove he is an anti-Christian bigot!
Hey moron, Idlehands didn't write that, you would think a "sysadmin"
could read headers.  Or be able to read at least.
F*ing idiot.
I live in the a%e's head, rent free, just like he lives in mummy's
basement rent free.
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
The a%ipe stamps his little feet, clenches his little fists and
screams "communists" at his basement wall.  Mummy shouts down the
stairs, "Hush, Downton Abbey is on".
The a%e curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody loves
him today.
the basement mommy bit is getting kind of old , no
Paedophile talkers for you %! Both Idlehands and Dr.WTF
are not qualified to have children around them!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-03-07 02:41:57 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
I just wish it didn't stink so bad in here, sheesh I don't think there
has been an original idea in here in decades.
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
The asswipe stamps his little feet, clenches his little fists and
screams "communists" at his basement wall.  Mummy shouts down the
stairs, "Hush, Downton Abbey is on".
The asswipe curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody loves
him today.
the basement mommy bit is getting kind of old , no
Ask me if I give a fuck, actually save some time and accept "No" for an
Post by The Doctor
Paedophile talkers for you %! Both Idlehands and Dr.WTF
are not qualified to have children around them!
"Paedophile talkers"? What the flying hell is a "Paedophile talker"?

A middle aged man-boy who is single and still living in mummy's basement
is an RCMP description of a paedophile asswipe.

I have children and grandchildren, care to claim the same succubus lover?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw
2024-03-07 04:03:00 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
The a%e curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody loves
him today.
the basement mommy bit is getting kind of old , no
Paedophile talkers for you %! Both Idlehands and Dr.WTF
are not qualified to have children around them!
You talk a lot about paedophiles asswipe, I am suspecting you're
projecting, been kicked out of any playgrounds lately.

Did your "Church" stop your volunteering for VBS duty?
"The difference between stupidity and genius is genius has its limits."
Alberta Einstein
2024-03-07 04:00:32 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
that's up to the landlord so there ya have ya
Dr.WTF, Idlehands both are interchangable communists!
The asswipe stamps his little feet, clenches his little fists and
screams "communists" at his basement wall.  Mummy shouts down the
stairs, "Hush, Downton Abbey is on".
The asswipe curls up on the floor weeping softly, it seems nobody loves
him today.
That's a nice piece of writing, you can almost see the loser crying on
the floor.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is genius has its limits."
Alberta Einstein
2024-03-03 10:52:59 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
i.e. rerun
What is the sound of two idiots clapping cheeks?
it's the same noise you make
Exactly % !!
thanks for the blumpkin, binky
2024-03-02 08:01:00 UTC
Post by %
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
It is what he deserves, the scumbag!
Poor asswipe, I am the "scumbag" but his only "friend" left here is
the assworm.
Why are 61 percent of links on your "Client List" dead?  If they are
dead why are they still showing as clients?
Can you say Fraud?
Go back to spamming RADW asswipe, it's all you can do.
i does idle hands call people names that are 30 years old
i does idle LOL