Actual Stats for the first half of 2024
(too old to reply)
2024-07-01 18:44:50 UTC
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.

XanaNews Statistic for edm.general. 2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM

From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)

Number of threads ................... 190
Number of articles .................. 1463
Average articles per thread ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4

Top Threads

Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------
1 75 Students go after the hypocrites
2 72 IDF targets aid workers
3 66 Re: New Canadian Flag
4 56 'The nasty little Sparta'
5 46 Actual Stats for February 2024
6 45 14 days until this froup is a Darlene Jacobson free
7 39 The lovely word of the Ice District Corporation....
9 33 Genocide Joe is beginning to stink like Lyndon B.
10 32 The student uprising is fighting for all of us
11 31 UN Report Details Israeli War Crimes During First
Months of War on Gaza
12 30 NDP Leadership Race.
14 29 Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers
15 26 UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for membership
16 26 God is rubbing your nose in His Truth!
17 26 As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
18 22 America First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
19 22 Re: *+* Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
20 20 ChatGPT reviews NetKnow
21 19 Do you condemn Hamas?
22 19 The Right of Return to Free Palestine
23 18 Cruelty of Language: Leaked NY Times Memo Reveals
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
24 18 %'s Picture from 2016
25 16 The Attack on the USS Liberty Symbolizes Israel’s
Duplicity and Deceit

Top Posters

Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 285 % Mozilla
2 210 The Doctor trn
3 161 Sharx335 Mozilla Thunderbird
4 138 Idlehands Mozilla Thunderbird
5 63 NefeshBarYochai ForteAgent
6 58 Whatshername? G2
7 48 John Larkin Forte Agent
8 43 bitrex Mozilla Thunderbird
9 43 Dr. WTF Mozilla Thunderbird
10 30 GregCarr G2
11 27 dolf NewsTap
12 27 Lil-man-ball Claws Mail
13 21 Rob Mozilla Thunderbird
14 19 Peeler Pan
15 18 Anton Ray Eaks Mozilla
16 17 Loose Cannon ForteAgent
17 16 Ubiquitous WinVN
18 16 Erter Terte MicroPlanet-Gravity
19 14 The Iceberg Mozilla Thunderbird
20 11 *skriptis PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
21 10 Pluted Pup Hogwasher
22 10 JTEM Mozilla Thunderbird
23 9 Tyrone Usenapp for MacOS
24 9 trotsky Mozilla Thunderbird
25 9 Skeeter MicroPlanet-Gravity

It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
Facisim: The first step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent

Bertrand Russell
2024-07-01 18:52:17 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        75  Students go after the hypocrites
      2        72  IDF targets aid workers
      3        66  Re: New Canadian Flag
      4        56  'The nasty little Sparta'
      5        46  Actual Stats for February 2024
      6        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene Jacobson free
      7        39  The lovely word of the Ice District Corporation....
      8        36  AND NOT ONLY THAT
      9        33  Genocide Joe is beginning to stink like Lyndon B.
     10        32  The student uprising is fighting for all of us
     11        31  UN Report Details Israeli War Crimes During First
Months of War on Gaza
     12        30  NDP Leadership Race.
     13        29  GOPANTHERS!
     14        29  Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers
     15        26  UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
     16        26  God is rubbing your nose in His Truth!
     17        26  As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
     18        22  America First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
     19        22  Re: *+* Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
     20        20  ChatGPT reviews NetKnow
     21        19  Do you condemn Hamas?
     22        19  The Right of Return to Free Palestine
     23        18  Cruelty of Language: Leaked NY Times Memo Reveals
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
     24        18  %'s Picture from 2016
     25        16  The Attack on the USS Liberty Symbolizes Israel’s
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  Articles  Name                        Most Used Newsreader
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1       285  %                           Mozilla
      2       210  The Doctor                  trn
      3       161  Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
      4       138  Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
      5        63  NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
      6        58  Whatshername?               G2
      7        48  John Larkin                 Forte Agent
      8        43  bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
      9        43  Dr. WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
     10        30  GregCarr                    G2
     11        27  dolf                        NewsTap
     12        27  Lil-man-ball                Claws Mail
     13        21  Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
     14        19  Peeler                      Pan
     15        18  Anton Ray Eaks              Mozilla
     16        17  Loose Cannon                ForteAgent
     17        16  Ubiquitous                  WinVN
     18        16  Erter Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
     19        14  The Iceberg                 Mozilla Thunderbird
     20        11  *skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
     21        10  Pluted Pup                  Hogwasher
     22        10  JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
     23         9  Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
     24         9  trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
     25         9  Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
2024-07-01 20:20:31 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
 From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
       1        75  Students go after the hypocrites
       2        72  IDF targets aid workers
       3        66  Re: New Canadian Flag
       4        56  'The nasty little Sparta'
       5        46  Actual Stats for February 2024
       6        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene Jacobson
free zone...
       7        39  The lovely word of the Ice District Corporation....
       8        36  AND NOT ONLY THAT
       9        33  Genocide Joe is beginning to stink like Lyndon B.
      10        32  The student uprising is fighting for all of us
      11        31  UN Report Details Israeli War Crimes During First
Months of War on Gaza
      12        30  NDP Leadership Race.
      13        29  GOPANTHERS!
      14        29  Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers
      15        26  UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
      16        26  God is rubbing your nose in His Truth!
      17        26  As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
      18        22  America First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
      19        22  Re: *+* Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
      20        20  ChatGPT reviews NetKnow
      21        19  Do you condemn Hamas?
      22        19  The Right of Return to Free Palestine
      23        18  Cruelty of Language: Leaked NY Times Memo Reveals
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
      24        18  %'s Picture from 2016
      25        16  The Attack on the USS Liberty Symbolizes Israel’s
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  Articles  Name                        Most Used Newsreader
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
       1       285  %                           Mozilla
       2       210  The Doctor                  trn
       3       161  Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
       4       138  Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
       5        63  NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
       6        58  Whatshername?               G2
       7        48  John Larkin                 Forte Agent
       8        43  bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
       9        43  Dr. WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
      10        30  GregCarr                    G2
      11        27  dolf                        NewsTap
      12        27  Lil-man-ball                Claws Mail
      13        21  Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
      14        19  Peeler                      Pan
      15        18  Anton Ray Eaks              Mozilla
      16        17  Loose Cannon                ForteAgent
      17        16  Ubiquitous                  WinVN
      18        16  Erter Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
      19        14  The Iceberg                 Mozilla Thunderbird
      20        11  *skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
      21        10  Pluted Pup                  Hogwasher
      22        10  JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
      23         9  Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
      24         9  trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
      25         9  Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates,
not the provider of the feed.
i win
The Doctor
2024-07-01 21:46:21 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        75  Students go after the hypocrites
      2        72  IDF targets aid workers
      3        66  Re: New Canadian Flag
      4        56  'The nasty little Sparta'
      5        46  Actual Stats for February 2024
      6        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      7        39  The lovely word of the Ice District
Post by Idlehands
      8        36  AND NOT ONLY THAT
      9        33  Genocide Joe is beginning to stink
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
     10        32  The student uprising is fighting for all of us
     11        31  UN Report Details Israeli War Crimes
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
     12        30  NDP Leadership Race.
     13        29  GOPANTHERS!
     14        29  Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review
with spoilers
Post by Idlehands
     15        26  UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
     16        26  God is rubbing your nose in His Truth!
     17        26  As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
     18        22  America First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
     19        22  Re: *+* Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
     20        20  ChatGPT reviews NetKnow
     21        19  Do you condemn Hamas?
     22        19  The Right of Return to Free Palestine
     23        18  Cruelty of Language: Leaked NY Times
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
     24        18  %'s Picture from 2016
     25        16  The Attack on the USS Liberty
Symbolizes Israel’s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  Articles 
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1       285 
%                           Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
      2       210  The
Doctor                  trn
Post by Idlehands
      3       161 
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      4       138 
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      5        63 
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      6        58  Whatshername?               G2
      7        48  John
Larkin                 Forte Agent
Post by Idlehands
      8        43 
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      9        43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     10        30 
GregCarr                    G2
Post by Idlehands
     11        27 
dolf                        NewsTap
Post by Idlehands
     12        27 
Lil-man-ball                Claws Mail
Post by Idlehands
     13        21 
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     14        19 
Peeler                      Pan
Post by Idlehands
     15        18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
     16        17  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
     17        16 
Ubiquitous                  WinVN
Post by Idlehands
     18        16  Erter
Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by Idlehands
     19        14  The
Iceberg                 Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     20        11 
*skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
Post by Idlehands
     21        10  Pluted
Pup                  Hogwasher
Post by Idlehands
     22        10 
JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     23         9 
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
Post by Idlehands
     24         9 
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     25         9 
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat
2024-07-01 22:00:26 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        75  Students go after the hypocrites
      2        72  IDF targets aid workers
      3        66  Re: New Canadian Flag
      4        56  'The nasty little Sparta'
      5        46  Actual Stats for February 2024
      6        45  14 days until this froup is a Darlene
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      7        39  The lovely word of the Ice District
Post by Idlehands
      8        36  AND NOT ONLY THAT
      9        33  Genocide Joe is beginning to stink
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
     10        32  The student uprising is fighting for all of us
     11        31  UN Report Details Israeli War Crimes
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
     12        30  NDP Leadership Race.
     13        29  GOPANTHERS!
     14        29  Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review
with spoilers
Post by Idlehands
     15        26  UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
     16        26  God is rubbing your nose in His Truth!
     17        26  As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
     18        22  America First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
     19        22  Re: *+* Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
     20        20  ChatGPT reviews NetKnow
     21        19  Do you condemn Hamas?
     22        19  The Right of Return to Free Palestine
     23        18  Cruelty of Language: Leaked NY Times
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
     24        18  %'s Picture from 2016
     25        16  The Attack on the USS Liberty
Symbolizes Israel’s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1       285Â
%                           Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
      2       210  The
Doctor                  trn
Post by Idlehands
      3       161Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      4       138Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      5        63Â
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      6        58  Whatshername?               G2
      7        48  John
Larkin                 Forte Agent
Post by Idlehands
      8        43Â
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
      9        43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     10        30Â
GregCarr                    G2
Post by Idlehands
     11        27Â
dolf                        NewsTap
Post by Idlehands
     12        27Â
Lil-man-ball                Claws Mail
Post by Idlehands
     13        21Â
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     14        19Â
Peeler                      Pan
Post by Idlehands
     15        18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
     16        17  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
     17        16Â
Ubiquitous                  WinVN
Post by Idlehands
     18        16  Erter
Terte                 MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by Idlehands
     19        14  The
Iceberg                 Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     20        11Â
*skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
Post by Idlehands
     21        10  Pluted
Pup                  Hogwasher
Post by Idlehands
     22        10Â
JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     23         9Â
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
Post by Idlehands
     24         9Â
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by Idlehands
     25         9Â
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
that's right and there are other places too
The Doctor
2024-07-02 00:24:41 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        75  Students
go after the hypocrites
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      2        72  IDF
targets aid workers
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      3        66  Re: New
Canadian Flag
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      4        56  'The
nasty little Sparta'
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      5        46  Actual
Stats for February 2024
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      6        45  14 days
until this froup is a Darlene
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      7        39  The
lovely word of the Ice District
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      8        36  AND NOT
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      9        33  Genocide
Joe is beginning to stink
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
     10        32  The student
uprising is fighting for all of us
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     11        31  UN Report
Details Israeli War Crimes
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
     12        30  NDP
Leadership Race.
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     13        29  GOPANTHERS!
     14        29  Re: Doctor
Who Space Babies review
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
with spoilers
Post by Idlehands
     15        26  UN General
Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     16        26  God is
rubbing your nose in His Truth!
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     17        26  As
Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
     18        22  America
First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     19        22  Re: *+*
Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
     20        20  ChatGPT
reviews NetKnow
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     21        19  Do you
condemn Hamas?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     22        19  The Right
of Return to Free Palestine
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     23        18  Cruelty of
Language: Leaked NY Times
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
     24        18  %'s Picture
from 2016
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     25        16  The Attack
on the USS Liberty
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Symbolizes Israel’s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1       285Â
%                           Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      2       210  The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      3       161Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      4       138Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      5        63Â
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      6        58 
Whatshername?               G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      7        48  John
Forte Agent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      8        43Â
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      9        43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     10        30Â
GregCarr                    G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     11        27Â
dolf                        NewsTap
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     12        27Â
Claws Mail
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     13        21Â
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     14        19Â
Peeler                      Pan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     15        18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
     16        17  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
     17        16Â
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     18        16  Erter
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     19        14  The
Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     20        11Â
*skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     21        10  Pluted
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     22        10Â
JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     23         9Â
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     24         9Â
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     25         9Â
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
that's right and there are other places too
WE know! It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat
2024-07-02 01:26:59 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
      1        75  Students
go after the hypocrites
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      2        72  IDF
targets aid workers
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      3        66  Re: New
Canadian Flag
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      4        56  'The
nasty little Sparta'
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      5        46  Actual
Stats for February 2024
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      6        45  14 days
until this froup is a Darlene
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
      7        39  The
lovely word of the Ice District
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      8        36  AND NOT
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      9        33  Genocide
Joe is beginning to stink
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
     10        32  The student
uprising is fighting for all of us
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     11        31  UN Report
Details Israeli War Crimes
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
     12        30  NDP
Leadership Race.
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     13        29  GOPANTHERS!
     14        29  Re: Doctor
Who Space Babies review
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
with spoilers
Post by Idlehands
     15        26  UN General
Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     16        26  God is
rubbing your nose in His Truth!
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     17        26  As
Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
     18        22  America
First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     19        22  Re: *+*
Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
     20        20  ChatGPT
reviews NetKnow
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     21        19  Do you
condemn Hamas?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     22        19  The Right
of Return to Free Palestine
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     23        18  Cruelty of
Language: Leaked NY Times
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
     24        18  %'s Picture
from 2016
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     25        16  The Attack
on the USS Liberty
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Symbolizes Israel’s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------  --------------------------  --------------------
      1       285Â
%                           Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      2       210  The
Doctor                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      3       161Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      4       138Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      5        63Â
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
      6        58ÂÂ
Whatshername?               G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      7        48  John
Larkin               ÂÂ
Forte Agent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      8        43Â
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
      9        43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     10        30Â
GregCarr                    G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     11        27Â
dolf                        NewsTap
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     12        27Â
Lil-man-ball              ÂÂ
Claws Mail
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     13        21Â
Rob                         Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     14        19Â
Peeler                      Pan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     15        18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
Post by Idlehands
     16        17  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by Idlehands
     17        16Â
Ubiquitous                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     18        16  Erter
Terte               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     19        14  The
Iceberg               ÂÂ
Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     20        11Â
*skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     21        10  Pluted
Pup                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     22        10Â
JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     23         9Â
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     24         9Â
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
     25         9Â
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
that's right and there are other places too
WE know! It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
they should be informed that i won then
The Doctor
2024-07-02 03:42:31 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
75  Students
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
go after the hypocrites
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
72  IDF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
targets aid workers
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
66  Re: New
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Canadian Flag
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
56  'The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
nasty little Sparta'
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
46  Actual
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Stats for February 2024
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
45  14 days
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
until this froup is a Darlene
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
39  The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
lovely word of the Ice District
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
33  Genocide
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Joe is beginning to stink
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
32  The student
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
uprising is fighting for all of us
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
31  UN Report
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Details Israeli War Crimes
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
30  NDP
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Leadership Race.
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
29  Re: Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Who Space Babies review
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
with spoilers
Post by Idlehands
26  UN General
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
26  God is
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
rubbing your nose in His Truth!
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
26  As
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
22  America
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
22  Re: *+*
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
20  ChatGPT
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
reviews NetKnow
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
19  Do you
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
condemn Hamas?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
19  The Right
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
of Return to Free Palestine
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
18  Cruelty of
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Language: Leaked NY Times
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
18  %'s Picture
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
from 2016
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
16  The Attack
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
on the USS Liberty
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Symbolizes Israel’s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
-------  -------- 
--------------------------  --------------------
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
1       285Â
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
2       210  The
Doctor                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
3       161Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
4       138Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
5        63Â
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Whatshername?               G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
48  John
Larkin               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Forte Agent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
8        43Â
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
GregCarr                    G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
dolf                        NewsTap
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Lil-man-ball              ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Claws Mail
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Rob                         Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Peeler                      Pan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
17  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Ubiquitous                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
16  Erter
Terte               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
14  The
Iceberg               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
*skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
10  Pluted
Pup                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
that's right and there are other places too
WE know! It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
they should be informed that i won then
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat
2024-07-02 20:42:06 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general.  2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  --------  ----------------------------------
1      ÂÂÂ
75  Students
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
go after the hypocrites
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
2      ÂÂÂ
72  IDF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
targets aid workers
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
3      ÂÂÂ
66  Re: New
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Canadian Flag
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
4      ÂÂÂ
56  'The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
nasty little Sparta'
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
5      ÂÂÂ
46  Actual
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Stats for February 2024
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
6      ÂÂÂ
45  14 days
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
until this froup is a Darlene
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
7      ÂÂÂ
39  The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
lovely word of the Ice District
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
8      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
9      ÂÂÂ
33  Genocide
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Joe is beginning to stink
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
10      ÂÂÂ
32  The student
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
uprising is fighting for all of us
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
11      ÂÂÂ
31  UN Report
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Details Israeli War Crimes
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
12      ÂÂÂ
30  NDP
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Leadership Race.
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
13      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
14      ÂÂÂ
29  Re: Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Who Space Babies review
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
with spoilers
Post by Idlehands
15      ÂÂÂ
26  UN General
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
16      ÂÂÂ
26  God is
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
rubbing your nose in His Truth!
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
17      ÂÂÂ
26  As
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
18      ÂÂÂ
22  America
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
19      ÂÂÂ
22  Re: *+*
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
20      ÂÂÂ
20  ChatGPT
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
reviews NetKnow
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
21      ÂÂÂ
19  Do you
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
condemn Hamas?
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
22      ÂÂÂ
19  The Right
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
of Return to Free Palestine
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
23      ÂÂÂ
18  Cruelty of
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Language: Leaked NY Times
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
24      ÂÂÂ
18  %'s Picture
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
from 2016
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
25      ÂÂÂ
16  The Attack
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
on the USS Liberty
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Symbolizes Israel’s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most Used Newsreader
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------ÂÂÂ
--------------------------  --------------------
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
1       285Â
%                         ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
2       210  The
Doctor                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
3       161Â
Sharx335                    Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
4       138Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
5        63Â
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
6      ÂÂÂ
Whatshername?               G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
7      ÂÂÂ
48  John
Larkin               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Forte Agent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
8        43Â
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
9      ÂÂÂ
43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
10      ÂÂÂ
GregCarr                    G2
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
11      ÂÂÂ
dolf                        NewsTap
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
12      ÂÂÂ
Lil-man-ball              ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Claws Mail
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
13      ÂÂÂ
Rob           ��ƒâ€šÃ‚ Ã‚ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
14      ÂÂÂ
Peeler                      Pan
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
15      ÂÂÂ
18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
16      ÂÂÂ
17  Loose
Cannon                ForteAgent
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
17      ÂÂÂ
Ubiquitous                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
18      ÂÂÂ
16  Erter
Terte               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
19      ÂÂÂ
14  The
Iceberg               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
20      ÂÂÂ
*skriptis                   PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Fr
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
21      ÂÂÂ
10  Pluted
Pup                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
22      ÂÂÂ
JTEM                        Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
23       ÂÂÂ
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
24       ÂÂÂ
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
25       ÂÂÂ
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
that's right and there are other places too
WE know! It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
they should be informed that i won then
i'll tell them ,
HEY Gondek , i won
The Doctor
2024-07-02 23:00:01 UTC
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Unlike some Usenet providers who actively censor their feed like a
mini-fascist state, here are genuine unfiltered stats.
XanaNews Statistic for edm.general. 
2024-07-01 12:42:09 PM
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
From article 388099 (2024-01-01 12:44:29 AM) to article 389560
(2024-06-30 6:02:15 PM)
Number of threads  ................... 190
Number of articles  .................. 1463
Average articles per thread  ......... 7.70
Number of unanswered posts  .......... 71
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 4
Top Threads
Ranking  Articles  Subject
-------  -------- 
1      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
75  Students
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
go after the hypocrites
2      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
72  IDF
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
targets aid workers
3      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
66  Re: New
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Canadian Flag
4      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
56  'The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
nasty little Sparta'
5      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
46  Actual
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Stats for February 2024
6      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
45  14 days
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
until this froup is a Darlene
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Jacobson free
Post by Idlehands
7      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
39  The
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
lovely word of the Ice District
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
8      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
9      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
33  Genocide
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Joe is beginning to stink
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
like Lyndon B.
Post by Idlehands
10      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
32  The student
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
uprising is fighting for all of us
11      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
31  UN Report
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Details Israeli War Crimes
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
During First
Post by Idlehands
Months of War on Gaza
12      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
30  NDP
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Leadership Race.
13      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
14      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
29  Re: Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Who Space Babies review
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
with spoilers
15      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
26  UN General
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Assembly backs Palestinian bid for
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
16      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
26  God is
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
rubbing your nose in His Truth!
17      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
26  As
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
IsraelÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â€şÂ¢s Genocide in Gaza
18      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
22  America
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
First Legal — or Is It Israel First?
19      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
22  Re: *+*
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Expertly: Praying for %'s (aka Stuart
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
Rawlings') perishing soul on 03/16/24 ...
20      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
20  ChatGPT
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
reviews NetKnow
21      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
19  Do you
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
condemn Hamas?
22      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
19  The Right
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
of Return to Free Palestine
23      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
18  Cruelty of
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Language: Leaked NY Times
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Memo Reveals
Post by Idlehands
Anti-Palestinian Bias of US Media
24      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
18  %'s Picture
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
from 2016
25      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
16  The Attack
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
on the USS Liberty
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Symbolizes IsraelÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â€şÂ¢s
Post by Idlehands
Duplicity and Deceit
Top Posters
Ranking  ArticlesÂ
Name                        Most
Used Newsreader
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
-------  --------ÂÂÂ
--------------------------  --------------------
1       285Â
%                         ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
2       210  The
Doctor                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
3       161Â
Mozilla Thunderbird
4       138Â
Idlehands                   Mozilla Thunderbird
NefeshBarYochai             ForteAgent
6      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Whatshername?               G2
7      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
48  John
Larkin               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Forte Agent
bitrex                      Mozilla Thunderbird
9      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
43  Dr.
WTF                     Mozilla Thunderbird
10      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
GregCarr                    G2
11      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
dolf                        NewsTap
12      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Lil-man-ball              ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Claws Mail
13      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Rob           ᅵᅵƒâ€šÃ‚ Ã‚ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Mozilla
Post by The Doctor
14      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Peeler                      Pan
15      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
18  Anton Ray
Eaks              Mozilla
16      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
17  Loose
17      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Ubiquitous                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
18      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
16  Erter
Terte               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
19      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
14  The
Iceberg               ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Mozilla Thunderbird
20      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
21      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
10  Pluted
Pup                ÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
22      ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
JTEM                        Mozilla
23       ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Tyrone                      Usenapp for MacOS
24       ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
trotsky                     Mozilla Thunderbird
25       ÂÂÂ
Post by The Doctor
Skeeter                     MicroPlanet-Gravity
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by The Doctor
Post by Idlehands
Post by Idlehands
It should be then end user choosing their own bozo file candidates, not
the provider of the feed.
i win
You do!
that's right and there are other places too
WE know! It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
they should be informed that i won then
i'll tell them ,
HEY Gondek , i won
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat
2024-07-02 03:17:40 UTC
Post by The Doctor
WE know! It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
Fix your fucking newsreader idiot, and who gives a flying fuck about
being the "top poster"?
Facisim: The first step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent

Bertrand Russell
2024-07-02 20:39:56 UTC
Post by Idlehands
WE know!  It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
Fix your fucking newsreader idiot, and who gives a flying fuck about
being the "top poster"?
i won
The Doctor
2024-07-02 22:59:44 UTC
Post by Idlehands
WE know!  It gets Dr.WTF and Idlehands mad!!
Fix your newsreader idiot, and who gives about
being the "top poster"?
i won
Ha! Ha!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat
2024-07-01 22:05:50 UTC
Post by The Doctor
i win
You do!
"I win", words binky will never be able to say.
Facisim: The first step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent

Bertrand Russell