Oct. 21 March In Edmonton, AB Against Sogi 123. UCP Considering Anti Sogi 123 Policies.
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notmyrealname carr
2023-10-19 19:19:27 UTC

The UCP will be debating a policy resolution requiring schools to obtain parental consent prior to using a student’s preferred name or pronouns if that student is under 16. This will be a huge decision thay will take away the rights of thousands of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth who live in hostile, Anti-2SLGBTQIA homes throughout Alberta. New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have recently passed policies requiring the same of schools and teachers. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said she looks forward to a “robust discussion” at the party’s first meeting.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/5113899010/ They are a pro Palestine pro gay group.

Loading Image... Benita Pedersen is organizing this Oct. 21 rally 82 Ave and 103 St. PM is where it starts. Kamel El-Cheikh his org is not holding a rally in Edmonton due to safety concerns.
notmyrealname carr
2023-10-22 13:17:20 UTC
Post by notmyrealname carr
The UCP will be debating a policy resolution requiring schools to obtain parental consent prior to using a student’s preferred name or pronouns if that student is under 16. This will be a huge decision thay will take away the rights of thousands of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth who live in hostile, Anti-2SLGBTQIA homes throughout Alberta. New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have recently passed policies requiring the same of schools and teachers. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said she looks forward to a “robust discussion” at the party’s first meeting.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/5113899010/ They are a pro Palestine pro gay group.
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64ee11ccdbd3b71b27438682/t/652a9277c113511d3228a2e1/1697288823429/Edmonton.jpeg Benita Pedersen is organizing this Oct. 21 rally 82 Ave and 103 St. PM is where it starts. Kamel El-Cheikh his org is not holding a rally in Edmonton due to safety concerns.
16 Google Groups views alone in 2 days far better viewing than the posts of the metaphoric anonymous posting raped kittens on ludes get the liars and idiots.

"sogi 123 rally oct. 21" Enter that in Google and my post is the 14th result better than some MSM ones 14th out of 31.